
There is none like Him...

...way too often I try to prove to myself that there are so many others like my God. I live for and draw from cisterns that are so shallow and not fulfilling. Recently however the Lord has been showing me that there are absolutely none like Him. That he has living water which quenches my ultimate thirst for satisfaction and worth in this world. It is extremely difficult however, to not rely on myself for school, for relationships, for all of the things that I do. I like to be in control, I don't like to listen to God, I don't like to rely on Him...and with this mindset I will die. Thankfully he won't let me go, and I'm learning.... "I'm just learning to be in twenty-three places..."

How in the world does one function in twenty three places at once. I just feel like everything in my life is one great balancing act and I'm trying to find a way to manage everything. Recently I've found that a lot of times I find myself neglecting friends, but I just don't have the time or energy for all of them. I don't know what to do...sometimes I wish I could make my friends...friends in a sense so that they can just hang out with each other, but this isn't proving possible. It seems like meeting with people and just allowing them to talk things out is one of my greatest strengths, and it's something I definitely enjoy...I wonder if there was some way I could make money doing this...like full time adult job money...

1 more semester left...in a lot of ways I wish this was my last semester. I'm running out of energy for starters, and I want to graduate with my class...but it doesn't seem possible. School just wears on the body and on the mind...

well i just needed to get these things out of my brain...

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