

My second real poem...and by real...I mean actually felt...too bad that this blog messes up the editing which effects the meaning considerably...oh well


Time is the longest distance between two places.”
Tennessee Williams (Author of the Glass Menagerie, and Cat on a hot tin roof)

Now that we’ve reached the edge.
of a summer that will never escape our memory
and wandered into a dance of awkward indecision,
Blind-folded at the heart and frost-bitten…
or soon will be as we open up our doors to our chronic houseguest: winter
and how you’d love for him stay to bask and hide in his snowstorms
and my invitation only comes with the hope of an early spring
a spring that is not promised or…expected

What happens beyond x+y, when the summation of things
cannot be calculated or communicated by rationality
when the next step in dissecting this…multi-variable equation
is letting it solve itself or destroying it in fear of it just ending in a quotient
anyway…but who can predict the strange nature of this word problem
that we call eventually, possibly, hopefully, and sometimes probably not

Lying beneath a star smitten sky
I tell you that I have been absolved of fear
that everyday doesn’t go by in constant worry of your exit
and you lean over to me and whisper that you want to be with me
in the most calming tone until I realize that I do not know if you mean a noun
or a verb, for verbs are the words that make sentences work
not to mention the need for a conjunction.